Zitat des Tages – John Dewey

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The devotion of democracy to education is a familiar fact. The superficial expanation is that a government resting upon popular suffrage cannot be successful unless those who elect and who obey their govenors are educated. Since a democratic society repudiates the principle of external authority, it must find a substitute in voluntary disposition and interest; these can be created only by education. – John Dewey

Zitat des Tages – John Dewey

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External things and opportunities so abound in American life that, instead of nurturing the true source of happiness, we tend to make it a direct aim. So we end in looking for happiness in possession of the external – in money, a good time, somebody to lean on, and so on. We are impatient, hurried and fretful because we do not find happiness where we look for it. – John Dewey